first of all you need a .jar file lets take an example of operamini.jar, download a operamini.jar file in your pc, after downloading it 'right click' on 'operamini.jar' file and select option 'extract to Operamini/' ..
after selecting it will create a folder beside to that 'operamini.jar' file and folder name will -> 'Operamini'.
til this if everything working as i wrote then u on the correct path...if not then read it again..
now enter in that 'Operamini' folder you will see "one folder named - META.INF", one i.png image file and many class files....for now your work is just with folder "META-INF", so enter in that will a file name "MANIFEST.MF"... do 'right click' on it and open it on temporary with "NOTEPAD"...after opening you will few lines with some text indicating...about 'Operamini' just have to do is replace the "operamini" text with text you want to display or with your name... as i replaced "Operamini" with text "evilsofts"....there will 2 to 3 times "operamini" text in "MANIFEST.MF" kindly replace it everwhere in file and save it....hope you got some idea about edition
after saving come out of "META-INF" folder.....
Now u can see a image in .PNG format as "i.png" and its size is 48 x 48, this "i.png" is actually the "O" icon of the operamini, wat we see in our mobile while opening operamini...if you want to keep your own choice icon then just replace "i.png" with any other image with ".PNG" format and 48 x 48 size,mark it even after replacing image the name of the image must be same as >>> "i.png" after this your editing task is finished....
Now you have to pack all the files again which we have unpacked in the beginning ("extract to Operamini/")... so to pack the files, just select all files at one time(All files = total files inside 'Operamini' folder) and after selecting it...just right click and select option "Add to archieve"...
after that it wil open WINRAR archiever... but you have to select >>ZIP<< option button....
and at above it wil show file name as "" but you write name of your choice with ".jar" extension wateva u wana display in mobile for ex :- i wrote name as "evilsofts.jar" and click "OK"
after clicking "OK" it wil pack all the files into a ".JAR" file and it wil create a ".jar" file in the same file.... as i wrote name as "evilsofts.jar" while will create a ".JAR" file name as "evilsofts.jar"