Hey Friends Here is Toxic Boys team, i will show you Two Ways to
Upload shell in WordPress Site.
1)Editing the WordPress theme
In this method, not all wordpress site can be edited the theme,
because certain site admin has change the permission of changing
theme. In that case, the theme cannot be change.
1- After you have logged into the site, you will see the admin Dashboard
2- On the left site, move your mouse to Appearance and click on Editor
3- When you click on Editor, you will see something like this
4- Select the theme Twenty Ten and select 404.php
5- Remove all the codes, and paste your shell script there
6- Update it and your shell will be executed.
7- Your shell will be at /wp-content/themes/THEMENAME/404.php
2)Uploading New theme
If changing the theme doesn't work, you can try uploading your shell
by uploading new theme.
1- Firstly, download the modified Worpress theme with shell in it.
Code: zelen-lib.ru/lib/F3.php
Alright, now go to Themes and click Install Theme
[IMG] http://i.imgur.com /ofNqE**.jpg[/IMG]
3- Click Upload and you will get an upload option.
4- Browse the theme that you have download, news.zip , and click
Install Now and you will get this.
5- Your shell will be live at /wp-content/themes/news/bcc.php
That's all please Comment If You Dont Understand And if Link Dont Work
Please Comment I Will Update It as soon As Posible.
Upload shell in WordPress Site.
1)Editing the WordPress theme
In this method, not all wordpress site can be edited the theme,
because certain site admin has change the permission of changing
theme. In that case, the theme cannot be change.
1- After you have logged into the site, you will see the admin Dashboard
2- On the left site, move your mouse to Appearance and click on Editor
3- When you click on Editor, you will see something like this
4- Select the theme Twenty Ten and select 404.php
5- Remove all the codes, and paste your shell script there
6- Update it and your shell will be executed.
7- Your shell will be at /wp-content/themes/THEMENAME/404.php
2)Uploading New theme
If changing the theme doesn't work, you can try uploading your shell
by uploading new theme.
1- Firstly, download the modified Worpress theme with shell in it.
Code: zelen-lib.ru/lib/F3.php
Alright, now go to Themes and click Install Theme
[IMG] http://i.imgur.com /ofNqE**.jpg[/IMG]
3- Click Upload and you will get an upload option.
4- Browse the theme that you have download, news.zip , and click
Install Now and you will get this.
5- Your shell will be live at /wp-content/themes/news/bcc.php
That's all please Comment If You Dont Understand And if Link Dont Work
Please Comment I Will Update It as soon As Posible.